R.I.P. Satoshi Kon

by Karen H. Brown on Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Although the news broke yesterday, I learned about Satoshi Kon's passing this afternoon, and it hit me like a kick in the chest. 

He was the director of several acclaimed anime films, several of which are my personal favorites - Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, and Tokyo Godfathers.While I'd seen Perfect Blue as a teenager, I saw the latter two movies only recently, which cemented me as an enthusiastic Satoshi Kon fan. While I wasn't wild about his last film, Paprika, I've been making my way happily through his series Paranoia Agent, and waiting eagerly for his next film, The Dream Machine. He passed away while the film was in production, and while I don't know if it'll be finished now, I still hope to see it someday.

I'll probably detail my feelings on his work at a later date, but for now I'll throw up some clips from the above mentioned movies. It's always sad when we lose a bitchin' talent.

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