24 Hour Comic Day

by Karen H. Brown on Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 3rd was 24 Hour Comic Day. I didn't know it was coming, but a friend told me about it the night before. I decided, what the hey, I'd give it a spin. I worked from 1pm to 8am the next day, and then crapped out on the last 5 hours. I was dead in the water. It was pretty hilarious to make up the story on the fly, without any pre-plotting. I trashed something like four start pages before finally settling on one.

Anyhow, I managed to finish the sometimes-rough-sometimes-polished pencils. I'm going to clean the sucker up and ink it, and post the whole thing here in it's entirety. Or at least, link to someplace where you can read it. It's a pretty straightforward story about a space lady boarding a ship to complete some unspecified mission.

But it's got monsters! Aw yeah, monsters.

In the meantime, he are some of my favorite panels, and my fave page.

One comment

Woot, Karen! Congrats, it looks awesome, can't wait to see the finished thing. =D I did 24-hour comic day too, with my Kingston buddies at their local comic book store... finished on time (within minutes of failure, mind), but my neck may never recover. D:

by Kim on October 5, 2009 at 4:39 AM. #

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