Two more new peices.

by Karen H. Brown on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Two more pieces that I had done for the Speakeasy show. Easily my favorites:

Speakeasy Gallery, New Work!

by Karen H. Brown on Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just a reminder!
Tonight I'll be showing some new work at
SpeakEasy's 15th Annual Illustration Show!

Come check me out, have a drink, say hello, and take a look at a huge range of awesome art!

On Facebook: 

Take a peek inside the collective imaginations of 40+ talented illustrators whose work features original styles, techniques and media. SpeakEasy has a reputation for showcasing the talent of Toronto's best illustrators. This colourful event is sure to be a myriad of fun in typical SpeakEasy Fashion.

Participating Artists:
Anne Smyth, Carolyn Endacott, Cassie Zhen, Daria I. Smirnova, Dave Murray, Ariel Amiri, Freyda Goodman, Gavin McCarthy, Gibson Quarter, Gillian Blekkenhorst, Three in a Box, Hyein Lee, James White, Jessica Fortner, Joeng-kwon Gye, Karen Hannah Brown, Kelly Kirkham, Ken Turner, Lamin Martin, Leo Lingas, Lida Lajevardi, Liu Liu, Lindsey Shields, Susan Adsett

Time & Space:
Thursday October 7th, 7pm-11pm
The Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen West
Second Floor Lobby + Studio Rooms

Here's a look at one of the new pieces:

Happy 24 Hour Comic Day!

by Karen H. Brown on Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm going to take a stab at live blogging/tweeting this years 24 Hour Comic day. Hooray? Hooray! I'll start working on this scary project in about a half an hour, soooo... 7:00am EST.

Check back to this entry periodically for pictures, scans, and progress! I'll just be updating this entry, so click refresh every once and awhile to see how I'm going.

I'll also be on twitter, at . I'll be updating my thoughts and drooling ravings under the #24HCD hashtag. There are a number of 24 Hour Comic Day hashtags on twitter at the moment, not sure which one will be more popular... I chose this one 'cause it's the shortest.

Aaaaaaaaaaand..... GO!


6:35am - I can't sleep anymore, so I'm up with a cup of coffee and a cheese sammich, checking my e-mail, reading news, etc. Gonna officially begin in about a half an hour when I wake up. Oomph, it's so dark outside.

6:50am -  Thoughts on the news:

After his interesting comments yesterday, CNN gave Rick Sanchez the axe, eh? I wasn't exactly expecting that, but I can't say I'm crying about it. I wonder if I'll get my invitation to the Jewish Media Conspiracy Purim Gala next year... they always seem to pass me by. :(

It always surprises me how people forget that human breasts are biologically intended to feed live young.
Facebook takes down breast feeding pics.

Vogue MagazineMasquerade Ball:  Ohmygosh, this is gorgeous. Now this is how you rock a party mask.

The Main Event!

7:00am - Holy cheese, time to start! 

7:10am - Oh my god I have no ideas. This is going to require more coffee. Lots more. 

8:35am - Ookay, so that first hour wasn't the most productive. I started drawing a few panels, hated it, tossed it, and then made some more coffee. Lacking any kind of inspiration whatsoever - panic! - I went outside to listen to some birds and trees and take in the sunrise and, well.... all I got out of that one was cold toesies.  SOOooo I've been watching Project Runway and doodling character designs. Now I kind of feel like I know where I'm going to start this from, but... yikes! First hour and a half and no pages, ohnoes.

Inspire me! Inspire me godammit!

10:03am - Thank goodness for Rolaids, protecting me from my own unruly stomach acids. Alas, now my circadian rythem hates me - I'm super sleepy for some reason. Not enough sleep? So why did my body wake me up at 6:00 going, "Rise and Shine Sucker!"

At least I got the first page penciled and a vague idea for a plot. Now we're getting somewhere...?

Been drawing in bed, by the way. Haven't done that in a loooong time. Also, am contemplating hour-long catnap. Good idea... or disastrous idea? Tune in later to find out!

T-21:53 -- 1 pg penciled. It's going to be a looong day.

1:22pm - I set my alarm wrong. Oy veeeyyyy. There goes three hours. 

 Dramatic re-enactment of the Naptastrophe

T - 18:38!

3:14pm - 16:45 hours/minutes left, and I've only got 2.5 pages done. Let's face it, I'm in the shizz! Watching Rifftrax while drawing helps, but oh man oh man, I'm starting to worry. This year may be like last year, in that I only get pencils done. I hope not, but, well, I might have to take what victory I can get. 

I've switched to earl grey tea rather than coffee, because coffee was doing some unpleasant things to my poor tummy. It doesn't give me the same pep, but it is a bit more comforting. 

I've been gripping the pencil too tight, and now my hand is cramped. Later, I will have to go out for lil' brother's birthday dinner.

I'm kind of hoping a pig crashes through my window and gives me divine permission to start again. 

4:23pm - 1.5 pages done in the past hour. Good, but still not fast enough. Am scared, but trying to keep spirits up. Grapes made me feel better, so maybe I will cram more fruit into my gob, see if that helps. 

5:11pm - Another page down! Horray for info dumps and big blocks of text! 5/24 pencil pages... 10 hours in. I can do it? I can do it! I.... I don't know if I can do it!

5:20pm - Awww, forget it. 

After careful thought.... there ain't no way I can get this done on time! Plus it's my bro's B-Day, plus, I have a lot of work left to do for the show coming up this Thursday at the Gladstone.

However, I'm really digging the way the comic is going, so it'll probably be done by Canzine this year. 

Thanks for checking out my crazy, tho! Next year... I'll be better prepared.

Read more »

by Karen H. Brown

So I'm gonna be showing some new work at
SpeakEasy's 15th Annual Illustration Show!

Come check me out, have a drink, say hello, and take a look at a huge range of awesome art!

On Facebook: 

Take a peek inside the collective imaginations of 40+ talented illustrators whose work features original styles, techniques and media. SpeakEasy has a reputation for showcasing the talent of Toronto's best illustrators. This colourful event is sure to be a myriad of fun in typical SpeakEasy Fashion.

Participating Artists:
Anne Smyth, Carolyn Endacott, Cassie Zhen, Daria I. Smirnova, Dave Murray, Ariel Amiri, Freyda Goodman, Gavin McCarthy, Gibson Quarter, Gillian Blekkenhorst, Three in a Box, Hyein Lee, James White, Jessica Fortner, Joeng-kwon Gye, Karen Hannah Brown, Kelly Kirkham, Ken Turner, Lamin Martin, Leo Lingas, Lida Lajevardi, Liu Liu, Lindsey Shields, Susan Adsett

Time & Space:
Thursday October 7th, 7pm-11pm
The Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen West
Second Floor Lobby + Studio Rooms

Pay What You Can ($4.00 Donation Suggested)

For more information contact:
David Brown

Dragonball again?

by Karen H. Brown on Friday, September 24, 2010

Got some news coming up about my participation in a gallery at the gladstone, but for now, a sketch:


by Karen H. Brown on Monday, September 20, 2010

I've been falling off the wagon, in terms on updating the blog. Bear with me, I'm still trying to get into the habit of updating on a regular sched!

Here's a few doodles out of my sketchbook: I've been watching a lot of Dragon Ball, the original series. I love Tien so much - he's the triclops of my dreams. He acts like such a dickhead - he went to dickhead school and everything! - but he just can't help but be a good guy.

Oh, and also, I don't get enough protien in my diet, so every so often I grab fistfuls of meat and shove them into my gob. I ought to do a better job of balancing my nutrition.

Finally, I've burnt my drawing hand! I was draining some potatoes while my mom was buzzing in my ear, and, in my annoyance, got careless. Splash! Scalding water all over my right hand. I've slathered the thing with polysporin, and bandaged it up. It's not a bad burn or anything, but it stings and I imagine the skin is going to peel like a bastard. Lucky, it was mostly in the palm and lower finger area, leaving the tips of my fingers unscathed, free for drawins.

And drawins I be doing! I'm going to have my first gallery showing this October, along with a group of Illustrators, at the Gladstone Hotel. Keep an eye peeled here for more info and process work.

Rock on!

My Fan Expo Faves

by Karen H. Brown on Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm going to post all the stuff I had at my table last weekend, but for now, here's one of my favorite pieces from Fan Expo:

Alas, the print didn't go over so well, ce la vie. Next time I'll shoot for a brighter, crisper print.

I've been listening to a lot of Lovecraft audiobooks by the way, read by the awesome Wayne June. Does this mean there's going to be some Lovecraftian stuff in my future? You bet yer bum there is. 


by Karen H. Brown on Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Fan Expo was awesome, and thanks to everyone who stopped by! Quite a learning experience. Now I'm going to read some Dragon Ball and sleep 'till I can't sleep no more.

Fan Expo

by Karen H. Brown on Friday, August 27, 2010

Tommorow I go to Fan Expo! If you're in Toronto, check me out this weekend at Artist's Ally, table A9, near Rue Morgue.

This'll be my first convention, so exciting! So nervous!

Holy Flipping Barnacle Bras Batman!

R.I.P. Satoshi Kon

by Karen H. Brown on Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Although the news broke yesterday, I learned about Satoshi Kon's passing this afternoon, and it hit me like a kick in the chest. 

He was the director of several acclaimed anime films, several of which are my personal favorites - Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, and Tokyo Godfathers.While I'd seen Perfect Blue as a teenager, I saw the latter two movies only recently, which cemented me as an enthusiastic Satoshi Kon fan. While I wasn't wild about his last film, Paprika, I've been making my way happily through his series Paranoia Agent, and waiting eagerly for his next film, The Dream Machine. He passed away while the film was in production, and while I don't know if it'll be finished now, I still hope to see it someday.

I'll probably detail my feelings on his work at a later date, but for now I'll throw up some clips from the above mentioned movies. It's always sad when we lose a bitchin' talent.

by Karen H. Brown on Friday, August 20, 2010

Just dropped the prints off at the printers! Eeeee!

Time to relax for a bit and tuck in with a book, maybe catch up with Dan Savage columns and podcasts. I used to follow both almost religiously, but kind of dropped off in the past year. I got a bunch of crazy sexcapades/problems to catch up on! Podcasts are also a great to play while yer working, so if anyone's got any recommendations, leavea comment and lemmie know.

Speaking of Dan Savage,  Joe Newton has been providing fun and adorable illustrations for the column consistently for the past I-Dunno-How-Many years, check out his portfolio.

Fan Expo Sneak Peak #2

by Karen H. Brown on Monday, August 16, 2010

Two more peeks into the sketchbook for Fan Expo:

Inspiring pinup artists: Gil Elvgren, Zoë Mozert, Duane Bryers

by Karen H. Brown on Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm having a blast working on these superhero pinups for FanExpo. Safe to say, I've been inspired by one of my favorite Illustrators, Gil Elvgren.

Better descriptions of his art have probably been written, so I'll just say here that my favorite quality in his work is the way he managed to make the girls look innocently indecent. Whoops, my skirt just fluttered up! Oh noes, can you see my butt? I don't know how, but he managed to make the slightest sliver of skin seem quite salacious.

Zoe Mozart is an artist that I'm learning more about and enjoying, specifically her nude/pinup work. The most famous female artist of retro pinup artists (so the internet tells me), she often used herself as a model.

Duane Bryers is often credited with being one of the first artists to paint plus-size pinup girls, specifically 'Hilda'. I love Hilda to death. With over 200+ Hilda paintings (gouache on illustration board), this guy blows me away.

Official Gil Elvgren Website

Zoe Mozart at The Pinup Files

Hilda Gallery at Toilgirls

Fan Expo Sneak Peak #1

by Karen H. Brown on Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Goodness me, it's been awhile hasn't it?

I've been deep on the down low all year, detoxing from my college days. It's time to knuckle down and get some serious work done, though. I was scared to death to get back to painting, since it's been so long now, but things are going pretty well.

I'll be breaking my convention cherry at Fan Expo this year - Gasp! Blush! - and I'm both excited and nervous! More info about where I'll be located to come later.

In the lead up expo, I'll be posting sneak peeks of new art. Horray!

Here's your first look:

Fans of boobies will be pretty happy with me this year!